Saturday, 13 October 2012

Weekend sketches


 I visited Surgeons hall. Lots of things to look at but not necessarily draw I felt. Something that really interests me though is structure of the human form and bones. This was a sketch using brown and white pencil on brown paper of a skeleton hand that had a bullet hole through it in the war. Which I thought was pretty interesting to look at. The gun shot is aparantly the hole in the bone at the wrist (on the left hand side).
I enjoyed sketching the fine detail especially in the joints.


I met one of my best friends for some coffee time :) I've not drawn her for a while so I decided to today

This was the original sketch then I decided to colour it in digitally for a change, to experiment a bit more with what media I'm using.

                        Here's the end result after being coloured in photoshop. It was very minimal and I could use          more practice but I think it works quite well

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